Creative consulting, 1:1 art guidance, and/or personalized creative business support with me, your guide!

Need an hour to steady your mind and tap into your heart? Putting your art out into the world, but feeling scared as sh*t? Want to hash out your ideas out loud, get live feedback as well as gentle accountability as you invite others in to receive your creative gifts?

My superpowers:

  • Launching a body of art with intention and ease

  • Managing multiple priorities at once + turning any idea or to-do into a creative project

  • Launching + nurturing an email newsletter (with humanness and integrity) so you can spend less time on social media (yes, really!)

  • Finding confidence in your creative voice + artistic style amidst a pool of trends

  • Honoring the icky parts of putting ourselves/our art out there (fear, self-doubt, etc. etc), being with and moving through these feelings

  • Meeting YOU in your humanness (I am here as your guide and to meet you wherever you are, my dear)

…because no one should have to do any of this alone!